Monday, June 18, 2012

Our trip is over and we are home!

It was a wonderful trip out west and so glad that we decided on the spur of the moment to load up the car and go.   The amazing country we live in should be explored by all.  I never realized what I had been missing until traveling out there.  I know there is so much more to see and I hope Tom and I can continue our traveling.  Right now we are seriously thinking of heading to Nova Scotia next summer, ok brother?!   We had become in a rut of traveling just to the coast to the beach.  Driving other places means more gas and more time in a car but to see the beauty of the mountains out west, the Great Plains, and the farmland of Iowa is awesome.  As I am typing this I am listening to a song called Symphony, and it says "stand in awe" of the Lord and his creation.  That I believe is what Tom and I did this week as we looked out over the Black Hills, the prairie of Custer State Park, and even the twists and turns and peaks of Needles Highway!  (Sorry no pictures of that since Tom was in a panic of the height of it all and I was concentrating on staying on the road!!!) We were blessed to be able to take this trip and spend some precious time together.  Now as we are home and back to the craziness of life, we are more thankful for each other and this great place we live!! I hope that as get back into our routine I hope we remember the vastness of the prairie and the beauty of the Black Hills and even the strange beauty of the Badlands.  I guess you could use them all in an analogy of life.  We have the peaks and beauty of the Black Hills.  We have the desolation of the Badlands.  We have the vastness of God's love like the prairie.  All in our lives, the peaks and the valleys, the beauty and the "ugly" of life but GOD is there through it all!  Thank goodness for that!  There is always a light at the end of the tunnel even in the Black Hills and most certainly in our lives!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Mt Rushmore, Custer State Park,and The Black Hills National Forest

Mt Rushmore National Memorial
Today we awoke to our internal Ohio clocks saying 7:20 but the bright sunshine and the South Dakota clock saying 5:20 am!  So we were up, Tom running on the treadmill and I doing a bit of laundry before we went to Perkins for breakfast...Hampton Inn's breakfast just not up to that for a 4th day!   After breakfast we came back and finished folding the laundry and did our Bible Study.  We started Psalms this week. This is great one to do!  Then we decided it was late enough 7:30 or so, that we could start out for Mt Rushmore.  Get a jump on other tourists!  The monument park opened at 8:00 so after a 25 mile drive to get there and "free" admission!  ($11 to park!)  we arrived at Mt Rushmore.  The first picture is the approach to the park.  As we walked in we saw the monument, actually as we drove up the hill we could see it from a distance.  George and Abe in all their glory stood out the most. There is actually an angle between Teddy and Abe, they are almost at right angles to each other.  Something you don't see in most pictures.  Here is Tom standing as we approached the archways containing the state flags and carved on the granite posts are when each state was admitted to the union.
Here is Ohio!  As we walked to the viewing area it was so amazing!  This mountain rising before us into the brilliant blue morning sky.  There at the top glistening white against the blue were the faces of 4 of our greatest presidents.  It was startling to see just how high this mountain went and to think of the men who risked their lives for almost 20 years forging this piece of history for people from all over the country and world to see. (Tom had an encounter firsthand with a Japanese woman as she came out of the men's room as he was going in!  He had to come out and make sure HE was in the right place by looking at the sign! I just cracked up at the look on his face!)

The beauty of the monument is breathtaking.  Each of these pictures were taken as you walk the presidential trail around the base of the monument.  You are looking up at this from different angles all along the trail.  I took all of this pictures with my iPad.  The views are stunning.  The crumbled rocks beneath the faces are from when they were blown off with dynamite.  You can see in the rock where the charges were placed.  I couldn't help but take more pictures from the different sides.  The morning sky was so beautiful too.

As we finished the trail we were led to the sculptor's studio.  There the final picture was taken.  This is the actual model that has been preserved.  As you can see the original intent was to have more than faces but the mountain proved to be more intimidating than they thought. Inside the studio there was a plaster cast of Lincoln's face. Also, the original intent was to have a hall of records behind the faces on the mount to preserve important records.  This didn't come to be until 1998, when they finally put some copies, I think, of the history of the building of the monument in it.
The day continued after our trail blazing of steps down and then back up! Whew...I am out of shape for stair climbing.  We headed to the car after one last picture.  Kind of makes one look small in comparison!
On we headed to the Black Hills National forest and Custer State Park.  Ok, if you have never been there, a word of caution, if you are afraid of heights even in a car you might want to rethink going to the Custer State Park and Needles Highway.    There are great and flat beautiful parts of the park. See! This was part of the Wildlife loop.  It went for MILES and MILES!  Some of it rolling, some flat and some well, let's just say NARROW AND HIGH!!!!!!!!
One of three bison we saw.  This one strolled by our car.

These burros were friendly and were looking for a handout!  There were several cars and people who gladly obliged.

Yes, buffalo dung!  Tom couldn't resist taking that shot!

2 more little fellas!  Actually quite big!!

This little guy just casually strolled past us on the road!

We think these are antelope, at least we know they are not deer!

We unfortunately do not have pictures of Needles Highway.  It was very cool at least what I could see while driving and keeping both hands on the wheel and both eyes on the twisting, narrow, and no guard rail road.  Tom on the other hand, had his eyes closed on at least some of it, and was hanging onto the "oh SH*T" bar in the car saying "keep your hands on the wheel" and "ARGHHH!"  and "does this EVER end?!"  And when we finally got to the tippy top called the Needle's Eye!  It was this "tunnel" that was just a bit wider than my car and straight up!  As we came out the other side there is a car on MY side of the road, "hello, move!!!"  So I had to stop while he decided that he needed to be on his side of the, did I say, NARROW, road.  Geez..I don't normally get excited or panicky when I drive but I was starting to get a wee bit nervous as we started down that narrow road to what we hoped was the bottom only to find out we had to go back up again but at least the road was a bit wider.  For some reason the park service doesn't think guardrails are necessary when on a narrow, winding, twisting, MOUNTAIN road with drop off on each side...drop offs like 100s of feet!!!  So there are no pictures since Tom couldn't hold the camera since he was holding on for dear life except one of a tunnel, not Needle's Eye, and maybe another of Needles Highway from below it. Ok maybe not!
It truly was an awesome day!  We traveled that road for a long time finally returning to Mt Rushmore, as it was a circle of about 67 miles, to return to Rapid City and the comfort of our hotel room to take a much deserved nap!!!!!   Whew that was harrowing at times but still very worth the trip.  I am glad I like to drive!!!  Tom said if he were driving, the car would still be up there and we would have had to walk down...I am thinking uh, no!  We had a good laugh over it after we got back and had dinner.  Not so sure I will be able to get him to go back up there again!!!
All for now!  We are starting home tomorrow.  Who knows what we will see on the trip back.  We will stop in Sioux City and spend the night.  We plan to be back home by Saturday late.  Please continue to pray for our safe travels.  We are having a grand time!!  See you all soon!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Badlands!!!

South Dakota prairie

Badlands National Park
Oh my gosh!  All I could say all day was WOW!  I have never seen anything as different, unique and strangely beautiful as the Badlands.  This place arose out of the green prairie like something from a science fiction movie.  First we were driving along I-90 seeing the pic to the left.  When we reached our exit to go towards Badlands National Park.  Here we drove into the park paid $15 (good up to 7 days!) and saw the picture below.  These pictures do not even begin to show the magnitude of these two places.  At home, it is hard to see much because of trees and homes and visual clutter.  But out on the prairie all you see literally is green grasses from horizon to horizon! It is the most beautiful place I think I have ever been.  Different than the beach with it's vast ocean but still vast in it's own way.   I am attaching several pictures of the Badlands.  A couple with Tom and I in them and then you might be able to tell just how big this place is.  It was so different from what we had seen all day coming across the state.  I mentioned yesterday, the Corn Palace I am putting pictures on of that place. It is unique in that the murals on the sides are changed each year to depict a different theme.  Today as we were leaving Mitchell, SD, there were kids there and others finishing up the side of the building and it's murals.  Really quite neat.
Inside the corn palace
The outside of the Corn Palace

Details of the murals

Just look at the following pictures of the Badlands and I will leave you with those until tomorrow.  We head to Mt Rushmore!
Look how tall!

No height to this one, so he didn't mind it!

Yellow colored ones

Took all Tom had to walk out to this lookout across a boardwalk on the ridge, he doesn' t like heights!


Monday, June 11, 2012

Iowa Scenic Byway side trip and into South Dakota

Iowa Scenic Byway
Pisgah, Iowa
Hello from South Dakota!  We arrived this afternoon but took a very scenic drive, part of the way, on an Iowa Scenic Byway to get here.  It was nice to get off of the highway and drive through the country. We even came across a "town" named Pisgah!  It  has been a beautiful day.  Sunny and 72 degrees and again breezy!  I think it must always be breezy here.  We saw several wild turkeys and farm after farm on the scenic byway.  There was even a sign, wish I had gotten a picture of it, that said "use road at own risk", it was a dirt road.  We saw but didn't go on several gravel roads, as they too were part of the scenic byway and looped back to the main one.  As we left Des Moines this morning we saw a sign for the Bridges of Madison County.  May have to check that out on our way back through there.  As we returned to civilization in Sioux City, IA, we were back on the highway and much to my delight in my new car a 75 mph speed limit!!  As we came into South Dakota, you could see for miles and miles!  It is very flat with a few rolling hills.  We zoomed zoomed along going a comfortable 80 mph passing slowpokes!  When we saw some sculptures in a field.  We stopped and drove back a long dirt/gravel "road" which crossed over a cattle gate...and cattle looking at get to this Sculpture Park that apparently according to the sign had been a 50 Best Time magazine side road attractions!  Well for $6/person just to get out of the car we did a little circle and drove back out past the cows and the cattle gate to take the picture at the entrance of one of the sculpture.  It really was rather neat.  We surmised that the guy who did these, living in a travel camper in this field, must have been the son of the farmer who owned the field!!!

The above pic is of the South Dakota prairie. Rolling hills and waving grasses make a beautiful scene. I can't add any more pics tonight as I left my computer power cord in the car. I am not sure I can from my iPad. We arrived in Mitchell, SD. Here we took a trip downtown to see the Corn Palace. It was really cool and I will put that pic on tomorrow and tell about it. Right now, we've had dinner, Tom ran his 5K on the treadmill and now it's time to veg! Tomorrow we check out a prehistoric Indian village before heading west to the Badlands and Mt Rushmore. This is such a great trip and am so glad we did it!!!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Hello from Des Moines, Iowa!!  We left Cincinnati at  6:20 this morning.  Very uneventful trip so far.  I think I would prefer the uneventful at least while driving 600 miles.  It went fast!  Maybe losing an hour did that!  As we traveled through Indiana, it was pretty quiet being early morning.  We stopped at the state line into Illinois to put Tom's 9mm in the trunk as Illinois is the ONLY state that doesn't have a concealed carry law and we got gas.  The only places we stopped in Illinois were rest areas and that was to use the restrooms! Somehow that is how we feel about Illinois! :)   In Illinois we saw all of these wind turbines.  Actually a wee bit creepy looking across the landscape.  We wondered how much oil was used in their production and transporting them to their respective places.  We passed at least 4 big rigs each hauling 1 of the blades for 1 wind turbine!! Each turbine had 3 blades on them!  Lots of diesel being used there!!
Mississippi River


Illinois wind turbine field

We then made it to the the Quad Cities!  There we crossed the great Mississippi River!!  Not quite as big as I thought it would be.  It seemed be not much wider than the Ohio.  I think it was a bit though. Iowa turned out to be a beautiful rolling landscape!  Fields and fields of farmland.  Grassy knolls blowing in the the wind looked liked waves...  Very windy here, sunny and about 88 degrees.  Saw a dead coyote along the road and various other critters that didn't make it either.  Lots of cows too, not dead though!  I thought Iowa was flat!  Not so far!  And my Sprint reception is 100% better than at home!!!  I guess because of the wide open plains!  Well we are at the Des Moines West Hampton Inn and are vegging right now..well Tom is downstairs running on the treadmill...I am vegging.  We are going to go eat in a bit and then veg some more!  Tomorrow we are driving about half as far and plan to see some sights and get off the highway to go on a scenic byway.  Will update tomorrow evening.  Hope all is well where you are!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Getting Ready to go

  Our trip west is something we have never done before and will be heading out on Sunday.  Our first destination will be Mt. Rushmore with everything in between here and there.  Mom and Dad went to AAA and got a trip tic and LOTS of books about where we are heading.  We are so excited to be going someplace new.  I hope to be able to post pics and updates about the things we are seeing and doing.  Bear with me because this is my first attempt at a blog.  Not sure if I will do it right but I will have fun trying!!  Westward, Ho!